"Hallmarking has survived scrutiny from the government as part of its Red Tape Challenge and is now no longer in danger of being scrapped."
So the process of Hallmarking that has been around since 1327 has survived the latest string of government belt-tightening, managing to dodge the cutback bullet after a massive outcry from the jewellery community. The Red Tape Challenge apparently received more than 6,000 comments from the jewellery industry and public protesting the proposed scrapping of the 700 year old tradition.
I for one am very pleased that this has been protected, losing a legacy such as this that shows who made something, when they made it and where they made it. Having hundreds of years of reference to date work back to is one of the things that made me want to be part of the jewellery trade when I was first training. I loved the idea of becoming part of the heritage that has been built up using the hallmarking system and the fact that people hundreds of years from now would have a way to know that I had made the work they were looking.
If anyone wants to know more about hallmarking or the assay office take a look at the very good Assay office website.
The hallmark lives, long live the hallmark!
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